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Who Am I? 


A Corsican man who was remarkably short  

A Corsican man who would not be taught  


This notable man would become a great conqueror  

And would also become a great military ponderer  


From humble beginnings he rose through the ranks 

Working hard to succeed, he wished for his head on French Francs 


“Emperor!” he exclaimed, as he placed the crown on his own head 

The shock from such a deed, left Pope Pius practically dead!  


He tried invading Russia, but that caused him only trouble 

The ever-feared Russian Cossacks were on him on the double 


Then from Elba, he escaped, to the fields of Waterloo 

This historic battle would cause his impressive reign to undo 


Then on St Helena, the General finally surrendered 

This was the inglorious end that the French Emperor dreaded  


Who was this notable, a fearsome leader of his Battalion 

This decorated general is none other than Napoleon! 

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